Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Divine Light

The exact form of God, the Almighty, the Omnipotent, the Omnipresent, the Omniscient and so on, cannot be perceived by humans. As holy scriptures tell us He is the Divine Light ( the noor ). He was, He is and shall be there forever, infusing a speck of His very light in all of His creations. He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth and what all comes between the two.
Many people think that it is the sun which is the ultimate source of energy; they are right in their conjecture so long as the scientific theories do not conflict with each other. The stars, the sun (also a star), the moon and everything that exists are the portents of God, the manifestations of His Mastercraft.
Every matter consists of sub-atomic particles which are associated with some discrete amount of energy and remain in motion at a tremendously high speed. Every form of energy has emanated from God’s Own Energy when He ordained the creation of the universe. Human beings as well abound in enormous amount of energy which manifests itself in various forms during their life-span. This energy does not dwindle away even after death of the organism.
According to scientific theories ‘ Matter and Energy of the universe remain constant; Matter and Energy can neither be created nor destroyed’. However, science does not answer as to who first created matter and energy? What is soul and who created it? Where was the soul before birth and where does it go after death of an organism.
The celestial lights, the personal halo or radiance on face of the pious persons and so many other signs pronounce emphatically the existence of His Divine Light, the immense noor that pervades each particle of the universe.
In every kind of natural phenomenon that we are able to witness or not, there is this infinite Energy of God at work. Like an aesthete can appreciate beauty, the truth about existence of God’s energy behind all phenomena can be understood only by that discerning person who has desire to know the reality. Our world is replete with the resplendent beauty of God’s Energy: the blooming of buds, the gaudy colors and forms of flowers and insects, the flowing brooks, the winnowing winds, the rainfall, the thundering clouds, the thunderbolt, the rainbow, the volcanic eruption and what not keep themselves busy in praise of their Lord, the ultimate source of all energy.

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