Human brain is the one thing about which we can say : ‘ The more you use it , the more it grows .’ You may wonder , but the fact is that we use only about ten percent of the total brain capacity . The purpose of education is not to clutter brain with so much information that at times it becomes totally confused . Common sense is the most important of all the senses , yet it is the most uncommon among the common people . No matter you have read all information about the art of swimming , you can never learn actual swimming . Young medicos have to do house job where they are exposed to intensive practical aspects of the subject . The day you learn how to make most of the little information you have and how to put it to practical use , you will become successful in attaining the common sense . A few of the important things that develop common sense are ‘travelling shopping , attending to guests and strangers . Learning about the experiences of witty people is also very advisable . It is said ‘ Wise learn from the mistakes of others while fools learn from their own .’
You may be the storehouse of some enviable talent , but if you keep it hidden within yourself , the world will never know about it . Do little labour to recollect what you are best at and start practising it publicly . But , remember ! Only those talents of yours which genuinely interest others will draw praise from others . Let the world know what you have got to offer it . Now , let my tone be little more serious .
Of all the creations of the Almighty God , only human beings have been endowed with the perception of right and wrong , good and evil and other such antonyms . He has been granted the power to tread the path of evil or good deeds , and accordingly he will receive the return on the Day of Judgement . The omnipotent God will never let any evil doer go scot free . You may be thinking that Tom , Dick and Harry are prosperous and seemingly happy , they are hell-bent and spare no evil activity go by , though . You are mistaken . You are yet to witness the great judgement of God . If a guilty is given the luxurious lease of life , the greatest Judge who controls the universe shall verily make them the fuel of hell-fire . When Lord has granted us freedom to choose between right and wrong and examining us for some numbered days of our lives , it becomes our own responsibility to play our discretion . Keep others in peace and you shall be at peace with yourself . Keep others happy and you shall feel happy with yourself . Injure others and you shall injure your soul forever . The choice is yours , time is limited , lest God beckons you to the other world where there shall be no deeds to perform , only the result of your doings in this world will usher you to the eternal abode .
May God help us to use our potentials with right discretion . Amen !
Of all the creations of the Almighty God , only human beings have been endowed with the perception of right and wrong , good and evil and other such antonyms . He has been granted the power to tread the path of evil or good deeds , and accordingly he will receive the return on the Day of Judgement . The omnipotent God will never let any evil doer go scot free . You may be thinking that Tom , Dick and Harry are prosperous and seemingly happy , they are hell-bent and spare no evil activity go by , though . You are mistaken . You are yet to witness the great judgement of God . If a guilty is given the luxurious lease of life , the greatest Judge who controls the universe shall verily make them the fuel of hell-fire . When Lord has granted us freedom to choose between right and wrong and examining us for some numbered days of our lives , it becomes our own responsibility to play our discretion . Keep others in peace and you shall be at peace with yourself . Keep others happy and you shall feel happy with yourself . Injure others and you shall injure your soul forever . The choice is yours , time is limited , lest God beckons you to the other world where there shall be no deeds to perform , only the result of your doings in this world will usher you to the eternal abode .
May God help us to use our potentials with right discretion . Amen !
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