Saturday, December 22, 2012

Softy Ice-Cream

(Taken from ‘Blooming Buds’, written for KG students by Saleem Saim) 

I am a softy ice-cream         
I live in a biscuit-cone                
Strawberry, cocoa, vanilla
Are my flavory tone

Open your mouth          
Take me in………
Loll, roll and roll
Eat me up all


Eat me up you
Girls and boys
Eat me up all                                                       
Eat me up all


I am a softy ice-cream
I live in a biscuit cone
Strawberry, cocoa, vanilla
Are my flavory tone


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Water-The Best Zero Calorie Drink

It is amazing to think that 65-75% of our body weight is due to water, the elixir of life without which our body cannot pull on even for some days. Scientists rank it as second only to oxygen as essential for life. Water is a fat-free, cholesterol-free, low in sodium and zero calorie drink. Cold water has more dissolved oxygen that is why it quenches thirst more refreshingly.

It is a medium for various enzymatic and chemical reactions in the body. It transports nutrients, hormones, vitamins, antibodies and oxygen through the blood stream and lymphatic system. Apart from helping in digestion and absorption of food, water regulates body temperature through perspiration which dissipates excess heat and cools our bodies. It also eliminates toxins and other waste byproducts through urination and perspiration. It moistens lungs for their efficient working, lubricates joints and protects tissues and organs, including the spinal cord, from shock and damage. It keeps internal organs from sticking together and skin from shrinking and drying out.

Hard working people particularly require drinking large amounts of pure and fresh water. Generally samples from ground water show presence of highly toxic arsenic beyond permissible limits of 0.05 mg/l as recommended by WHO. Arsenic is a documented human carcinogen. It is well known as slow poison and its toxicity first manifests itself as lesions on skin. Therefore water must be treated to make it safe for drinking.

We need lots of fresh water to stay healthy; the daily requirement being about eight glasses. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, sports persons and hard working people need extra amounts. Drinking more water helps to reduce water retention by stimulating our kidneys. It is not the water that makes us feel bloated, but rather salt that holds large amounts of water in our body. If our food has less salt, any extra water we consume will be quickly washed out of our body. Soft water (water which has been treated to eliminate minerals) fails to supply the body with required dose of essential minerals and is linked to higher incidence of hypertension and heart disease. A recent study in the journal of The American Dietetic Association established that drinking hard water may actually reduce the risk of heart disease. Fluoridated toothpaste is recommended for those areas where drinking water contains very less fluoride salts to prevent the incidence of tooth decay.  

Water plays a major role also in weight-loss. Since it contains no calories it can be taken in large amounts to make less room before gobbling high calorie food. It suppresses the appetite and helps the body metabolize stored fat. When taken while eating food, it does not dilute digestive juices; rather it serves as a vehicle for best performance of enzymes and prevents indigestion and undue gas formation due to bacterial decomposition of undigested food.

Drinking inadequate amounts of water contributes to muscle fatigue, poor performance and water retention. Dehydration leads to excess body fat, poor muscle tone and size, increased toxicity, joint and muscle soreness.   

It is yet a sordid fact that most of us do not care to know its worth. Although water covers more than 70% of the earth's surface, only 1% of the earth's water is potable. Conservation of ground water by rain harvesting and maximizing the uses of available water are the potential remedies to contain the alarmingly increasing water scarcity.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Pollution Boom at Diwali Dhoom

Diwali as a festival of resplendently shimmering lights presents enticing festivity everywhere, be it residential colonies, shopping complexes or markets. The warmth of love that the people exchange in the form of greetings and gifts makes Diwali all the more brightly beautiful.
Over rejoicing at the celebratory occasion with increasing amount of fire-work is deleteriously telling on the fragile health of both people and the environment alike. Over zealous children, youngsters and reckless parents get bent upon to mar the serenity of the festival by resorting to play with varied high-decibel-high-polluting fire-crackers and bombs, even several days before Diwali and obliviously continue to pollute the environs and destroy the peace, tranquility and health of the ailing and the normal people alike. The highly toxic gases produced by burning of the gun powder billow into the atmosphere and trigger the latent respiratory diseases in the exposed people.

Air in Moradabad is already replete with pollutants and effete for the healthy breathing. The unbridled functioning of unsafe furnaces in the factories as well as the ever-increasing vehicular traffic spew tons of litres of deadly toxicants into the atmosphere. To make matter worse, enormous burning of fire-works on the eve of Diwali vitiates the already-insulted atmosphere with dangerous toxicants like Sulphur Dioxide, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide (the silent killer), oxides of nitrogen, fumes of poisonous oxides of heavy metals like Chromium, Manganese, Nickel, Copper, Lead, Cadmium, Iron, etc. The toxic gases having high density tend to remain in the lowest layer of the atmosphere, called Troposphere, and concentrate in the congested areas of the city and houses. These pollutants irritate the skin, mucous membranes of eyes, ears, nose and throat, causing multiple morbid problems and diseases like asthma, damage to cornea and ear drum, heart diseases, headaches, dizziness, etc, in addition to a spate in the accidental burns.

Areas around Ramganga river have higher percentages of water vapour in the air. Large volumes of Sulphur Dioxide and oxides of nitrogen emitted during the play of fire-work, dissolve in the water vapour and turn into tiny droplets of pure acid floating in the smog (smoke plus fog). The airborne acid and particulate matter are dangerously irritant to the lungs. The airborne acid also slowly defaces the costly buildings and other property.

Air Pollution can expand beyond a regional area to cause serious global problems. The pollutants(CFC's) are responsible for damaging the vital ozone layer, spread by God for our protection from the most energetic UV radiations of the sunlight. That is why there are now more news of skin cancers, cataracts and reduced yield of some crops. Carbon Dioxide is the main culprit associated with global warming. The increasing levels of this gas retain the heat of radiations which should otherwise escape from the earth into the upper atmosphere after the day's heat.

Surging to dangerous levels of several ppm above the indicated safe limit by WHO, Sulphur Dioxide is the major polluting gas during the Diwali days, in the air we are forced to breath in. Another serious problem is of the noise pollution that is caused by explosion of the high decibel bombs. Human ears cannot tolerate noise louder than 80-90 dB. The government has so far been unable to put a check on the sale and use of these high intensity bombs. The undeterred explosions of these bombs are making the people partially deaf.   The horrendous surge in levels of air pollutants scares away the older and asthmatic people to flee to safer destinations in the countryside or sparsely inhabited parts of the town. To the ailing and suffering patients approach of Diwali gives them nightmares of discomfort and sufferings.  

Dr Saleem Saim is an Ex Research Fellow of Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi and a PhD from Industrial Toxicology Research Centre, Lucknow, India.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

On World Heart Day

Aey Dil-e-Nadan…

Aakhir is dard ki dawa kya hai?...My heart is beating…, keeps on repeating…I'm waiting for you…these are the simple yet magical words of age old songs that still echo in our ears and instill melody in our heart. From times immemorial, the poets of all tongues have associated the heart with the emotions of love and dejection. Fine, lexicographers also use such words as hearty, heartfelt, heartless, heart-rending etc, etc. I feel this is justified as the first symptom of any irresistible reaction seems to rise in our heart and not the brain: heart pounds, sinks, fills with disgust, hatred, ennui, feels elated and lovelorn.

We know that heart is really an ugly looking 340g piece of flesh, just a tirelessly working four-chambered pump that circulates about 15100 litres of   blood to all parts of the body through 90,000 kilometres of blood vessels. This World Heart Day is once again here to remind us of the most precious organ that we are endowed with by the almighty God. As the good heart is to good health, it is also more prone to suffer from the insult of corrupt atmosphere, physiology and sociology.

Hurry, worry and curry are the three alarming words that may run your heart hypertensive. God forbid, the eminent cardiologists are there to take care of your ailing heart and tell about heart matters… they may try hard to scare you, but don't lose your heart, with a steadfast mind you can still begin to take care of your loving heart. You should listen to them intently. Adieu.     

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Saudi National Day

Saudis make it a joyous day
Sworn lover, loyal to land
September three twenty sweet
Army plays patriotic band

Founder king Abdul Aziz Al-Saud
Saudis adore in heart ‘n’ soul
His royal race is cheered loud
Green flags gaily fill Saudia whole

Excited youths ride pompous parade
Festivity flashes every where
Gaudy kids party savory treats
Joy with nations Saudis share

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Jazan University Song

Glory be to Allah Who glorified Jazan                                                      
Jazan University, the pride of Jazan
Jazan University, the crown of Jazan
Hail Jazan University, hail Jazan

Blessed be the Kind King, blessed be his race
Blessed be Learned Emir who beautified the face
The face of Jazan city, the growing economy base
The great seat of learning, growing at fast pace

Glory be to Allah Who glorified Jazan
Jazan University, the pride of Jazan
Jazan University, the crown of Jazan
Hail Jazan University, hail Jazan                                         

Blessed be the Management and faculty fine
Blessed be students, the shining jewels line
Future face of Kingdom, hard work they pine
Jazan University is so true to dream mine

Glory be to Allah Who glorified Jazan
Jazan University, the pride of Jazan
Jazan university, the crown of Jazan
Hail Jazan University, hail Jazan

Composed by Dr Syed Saleem Husain (pen name: Saleem Saim), Assistant Professor, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Jazan University, Jazan, KSA.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Know Your Table Salt

One of the greatest gifts of God to mankind is the common table salt. Chloride of Soda or Natrium Muriaticum or simply sodium chloride as we may call it, without its salty taste, the life is tasteless. Salt has always been so much significantly valuable that salary word was coined from sal (salt). In olden times it used to be so rare and costly that even wages were paid to labourers in the form of salt. It was such a valuable commodity that people attached loyalty to it: namak haram/ namak halal  phrases were very commonly used. ‘ Sardar maine aapka namak khaaya hai..’  is a famous dialogue from the movie Sholay. In April 1930,Gandhiji undertook a heavily tiresome 241 mile long Dandi March with fellow Satyagrahis, completing in 24 days, and defied the British law by making salt.

Common salt is one of the first needs of animals and human beings, all other mineral constituents of the body, as cell foods, being dependent upon it for the process of their distribution and absorption. We need salt in our diet in order to maintain the fluid balance in our body and to generate electrical impulses in nerves and muscles. It has a close affinity for water. Calcium phosphate which is otherwise insoluble in water dissolves in aqueous solution of sodium chloride. To all the body cells it is a carrier of moisture which is a requirement for cell growth and renewal. Gargle with saline (Salty water) cleanses the mouth of bacteria. Hot saline massage relieves muscular pains.

People  living in sultry hot ambience, particularly those who inhabit the congested colonies, in the vicinity of industrial furnaces, face a lot of dehydration and loss of vital salts. Laborers, masons, janitors etc toil hard under scorching sun, sweating profusely to earn their bread. It leads to loss of salts from their body. They should slightly increase their intake of table salt during summer season.

Acute diarrhea, excessive sweating, low intake of table-salt result in the deficiency of sodium, called hyponatremia which can cause confusion, unexplained tiredness and dizziness. Those elderly patients who are on diuretics are more likely to suffer from hyponatremia.

“Most of the poor people still consume the crystalline, crude and uniodised cheap salt; the deficiency of iodine, particularly in children leads to severe deficiency of growth hormones. People should be educated about it and the use of iodised salt be emphasized. Other mineral salts like potassium chloride we get from fruits and vegetables but for sodium chloride we have to use the table salt.

The table salt is often taken in excess. It has been considered responsible by authoritative opinion for upsetting the body’s sodium-potassium balance. Malfunctioning kidneys may not effectively process salt-laden body fluids and, therefore, create serious health risks of hypernatremia, osteoporosis, fluid retention etc. In case of hypertension low salt diets confer a 25% benefit in reduced heart attacks.       

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Divine Light

The exact form of God, the Almighty, the Omnipotent, the Omnipresent, the Omniscient and so on, cannot be perceived by humans. As holy scriptures tell us He is the Divine Light ( the noor ). He was, He is and shall be there forever, infusing a speck of His very light in all of His creations. He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth and what all comes between the two.
Many people think that it is the sun which is the ultimate source of energy; they are right in their conjecture so long as the scientific theories do not conflict with each other. The stars, the sun (also a star), the moon and everything that exists are the portents of God, the manifestations of His Mastercraft.
Every matter consists of sub-atomic particles which are associated with some discrete amount of energy and remain in motion at a tremendously high speed. Every form of energy has emanated from God’s Own Energy when He ordained the creation of the universe. Human beings as well abound in enormous amount of energy which manifests itself in various forms during their life-span. This energy does not dwindle away even after death of the organism.
According to scientific theories ‘ Matter and Energy of the universe remain constant; Matter and Energy can neither be created nor destroyed’. However, science does not answer as to who first created matter and energy? What is soul and who created it? Where was the soul before birth and where does it go after death of an organism.
The celestial lights, the personal halo or radiance on face of the pious persons and so many other signs pronounce emphatically the existence of His Divine Light, the immense noor that pervades each particle of the universe.
In every kind of natural phenomenon that we are able to witness or not, there is this infinite Energy of God at work. Like an aesthete can appreciate beauty, the truth about existence of God’s energy behind all phenomena can be understood only by that discerning person who has desire to know the reality. Our world is replete with the resplendent beauty of God’s Energy: the blooming of buds, the gaudy colors and forms of flowers and insects, the flowing brooks, the winnowing winds, the rainfall, the thundering clouds, the thunderbolt, the rainbow, the volcanic eruption and what not keep themselves busy in praise of their Lord, the ultimate source of all energy.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

BEAT THE EXAMS- Advice to Students

Examinations as usual have begun and put students on the rigorous regimen. Exams are very much anticipated and indispensable for the successful culmination of the academic session.

It is only after cracking exams successfully that you students shall climb the ladder of your bright career, rung by rung. A student like you should be tough, confident and dauntlessly face the exams to your own good.

Here are some tips for your successful handling of the examinations.

·    You should configure your activities with the strictly thoughtful time schedule.

·    Carbohydrates may make you feel sleepy. Have lots of fruits and protein-rich, light diets to keep mentally alert while at study.

·    It is more advisable to have several installments of light meals than to fill your belly with a single large meal.

·    You should have a sound sleep of at least 5-6 hours.

·    Modern scientific research has proved that early morning time is the best time for learning and memorizing process. After relaxing hours of sleep, your brain becomes refreshed and works adroitly.

·    Your study room should be shut to all kinds of din and distractions. If your concentration is perturbed, you will end up reading the same thing over and over again, without understanding what it means.

·    If continuous study has strained your eyes, here is a simple rejuvenating exercise. Rub your hands hard to make them warm, close your eyes, cup your hands and put them around your closed eyes. Think of darkness all around with a calm mind. It will be more refreshing to your eyes than having a short nap.

·    After prolonged attention to a particular topic if your brain feels tired, switch over to some other topic. It may relax your overworked portion of the brain. Different portions of the brain handle different things. If one becomes tired, use another.

·    Pray to God before you start your work. It will have a soothing effect and give you the required courage and self-confidence.

·    Draw outlines and flow-sheets of the lengthy notes, you will memorize this way better. Last-time quick-revision will become simpler.

·    Study your notes carefully, keeping in view the frequency of topics asked in the previous exam-papers. The more you write, the more you memorize.

·    When you get the question-paper in the examination hall, follow the instructions mentioned in it.

·    If you don’t understand a question, re-read it carefully, its language may be confusing.

·    Close your eyes for a while and think of the answer. Start properly and don’t jump to a random and vague answer.

·    Don’t spend undue time on a troublesome question. Skip to another one. You can return to the same forsaken question after you have finished the entire paper. May be at a later time you recall its answer.

·    Always write carefully and do leave some space between each two answers.

In the end, I wish all students good-luck. Go ahead.  


Friday, May 11, 2012

Al-Ma’arfians’ Song

We’re Al-Ma’arfians bright
Like rays of mighty sun
Al-Ma’arefa, a guiding light,
For us, for every one…
For us, for every one---2

O then hail, hail, hail…
Al-Ma’arefa,  Al-Ma’arefa
With gale, gale, gale…

Learn to lead, live to serve
Our motto is so great,
Our path straight and no curve
Leads love but never hate
Leads love but never hate---2

O then hale, hale, hale…
Al-Ma’arefa, Al-Ma’arefa
 With gale, gale, gale…

 Teachers, wise, efficient
Shape us the noble way
They are kind and patient
We improve day by day…
We improve day by day---2

O then hail, hail, hail…
Al-Ma’arefa, Al-Ma’arefa
With gale, gale, gale…

Al-Ma’arefa may you grow
Like wonder tree and hold
Torch of ken high to show
Seekers of your kind fold…
Seekers of your kind fold---2

O then hail, hail, hail…
Al-Ma’arefa, Al-Ma’arefa
With gale, gale, gale…

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Jazan University Welcomes the Emir

This speech, delivered by the Honourable Emir on  22/01/1430 H, in the original Arabic is rendered into English by Dr. Syed Saleem Husain (Saleem Saim) & Dr. Ashraf Soubh, Asstt. Professors in the Faculty of Applied Medical sciences, Jazan University, Jazan.



Jazan University is the fastest developing university, governed by the Ministry of Higher Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It was established in Jazan city, under the generous patronage of the Custodian of the two Holy Shrines, King Abdul Aziz and the ever guiding, able leadership of the Emir of Jazan Province, in the year 2006 AD.

Recently Jazan University had the privilege of having the Honorable Royal Prince, the Emir of Jazan Province Mohammad Bin Nasir Bin Abdul Aziz as the chief guest at the Inauguration Ceremony of The Second Cultural Festival, organized in the grand auditorium of the university, at 06:00 pm, on 22/01/1430 H. The function was attended by a large august gathering, comprising the President of Jazan University, Honorable Prof. Mohammad Bin Ali Alhayazie, other prominent office bearers and the faculty members from various colleges.

At this gala occasion the honorable Emir delivered a speech, entitled “Development of Jazan District after the kind visit of The Custodian of the two Holy Shrines, His Majesty King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz”.

The main points of his speech are as follows:

Ø Good evening to all the attendees present in this august gathering, at this beautiful night. I feel overwhelmed with happiness at this occasion and recall the time when I was studying in the university until graduation. Many years later, today I am here to deliver a speech. Salam and greetings to everyone again.

Ø Dear students, my children, you are the promising future of the kingdom. Do your best for the betterment of this country.

Ø  It is important to make a dialogue with you, based on your enlightened mind rather than your fervent emotions. My speech will focus on the quality education to fulfill the real need of our society. In this perspective, we appreciate the role of university to develop the creative thinking of students so that they can interact with the modern and realistic knowledge of creative people of our time.

Ø Our great country has set up many educational institutions with the aim of encouragement of the talented and creative persons so that they can become the pioneers and inventors in different areas of science.

Ø What I intend to say is to create a useful link between the university and development of the environment as well as the people living in this area. I also hope that the people who have gathered here will contribute to the local development and work for themselves and for their own society. I think one of the main pillars of success in life is to respect and value time. Our religion urges us to observe the special prayer times, and I think, this is the hallmark of a civilized society.

Ø Dear children, education is in full swing in this grand university and after some years a very large sprawling campus, at the Red Sea coast, will be handed over to you.

Ø For this gift and a lot many others, we are indebted to the Custodian of the two Holy Shrines, may Allah save and protect him. He is well known to have launched the ambitious and magnanimous economic projects like sustainable development, balanced development and panoramic development. These projects are the responsibility of the executive sector of our country. These developments are the fruits of efficient planning and pragmatic thinking which are now coming to reality.

Ø Officials in different authorities of the country are visiting everywhere to evaluate the needs of these projects. And from our side it is required that we claim the financial support to go on as decided in the correct way according to the project.

      Sustainable Development:

Ø We aim at developing cities with stronger commercial links to fulfill the present needs and to pave way for the coming generations to build their dreams on it.

Ø The sustainable development requires the improvement of the standard of living for all people without overusing the natural resources to a degree that passively affect the people.

Ø The sustainable development is in three main fields: the economic growth, preserving natural resources and social development.

Ø One of the main challenges of sustainable development is to eradicate poverty through supporting balanced types of production and consumption without overusing the natural resources. Therefore the sustainable development is a leading factor to raise the production level on all fronts. To do this we should raise the different skills and encourage opportunities needed for sustainable development to accommodate less polluting industries so that the quality of life for all individuals is improved.

Ø So the most important objective of the sustainable development is to achieve the following:

1. Water

 2. Food

3. Health

4. Income

5. Housing and Services

6. Information Technology

Ø Referring to the IT (information technology), training of students of 

Jazan University on this new and unlimited technology is important for developing the society economically and environmentally. This technology is important for graduating students to get lucrative jobs.

Ø We aim at enhancing the activities of research and development in the fields of new Material Technology, Information Technology, Communication Technology and Biotechnology by establishing sustainable mechanism.

Ø We are improving the performance of private sector for sharing new technologies and introduce new methods.

Ø We are increasing our capabilities in Science & Technology to be at par with our counterparts to boost the growth of our economy, to create new job opportunities and consequently reduce the poverty level.

Ø We are adopting new technologies with plans for social and economic development, keeping pace with latest trends in IT.

Ø We are drafting national policies for inventions and new strategies in information and communication technology.

Ø I think in order to achieve the desired type of development we should endorse the balanced development along with that, particularly in our positive efforts to pursue modernization for our societies.

Ø Balanced Development: This type of development is to achieve equal development in different districts of our kingdom. This goal is getting a special attention of the Custodian of the two Holy Shrines, king Abdul Aziz and his successor the Prince Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz. May Allah save them.

The superior ruling leadership represented by King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz, the Custodian of the Two Holy Shrines, and his successor the Crown Prince Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz, have a particular attention to evaluate the executive authorities so that there are left no poor performance outlets. All these efforts are integrated in one circle to achieve the welfare and prosperity of our people wherever they live.

Ø Balanced Development of the kingdom: The ruling leadership has confirmed the necessity of paying visits to all districts to ensure that everything is alright. They meet citizens and listen to their viewpoints and try to solve their problems.

The ruling leadership has highlighted the importance of meeting the intellectual elite of the society to discuss the pathways of development and root out the problems that hinder them.

All these efforts are integrated with the efforts of the executive sector to achieve our superior objectives.

Ø Balanced Development in Jazan: As mentioned before in the speech of the Custodian of the Two Holy shrines, His Excellence highlighted the importance of panoramic development of Jazan. His statement reads: “You shall have a promising future, inshaAllah, in Jazan at all levels of development: industrial, agricultural and superior marine transportation.”

The pathway of developmental process of Jazan has been retarded for some time, but now it is a special duty of all of us to prepare ourselves to terminate this situation and replace it by a comprehensive developmental plan for Jazan.

Therefore our plans aim at:

1)  Projects under execution

2)  Projects with specified budgets on 1430/1431h.

3)  Strategic Projects in the district.

4)  Spotlight around the 10 year plan.




1.    Syndicate                                   129                        SR 3,600,000, 000

2.   Health affairs                              22                          SR 1,448,000,000

3.      Administration of Higher           59                          SR 317,465,423

      Education (Boys)


1.   Administration of Higher            78                          SR 473,771,518

Education (Girls)

2.    Water Administration                 72                          SR 2,114,000,000                



6.   Road Transport Sector             2800 Km                  SR 2 ,367,000,000

TOTAL BUDJET FOR PROJECTS                            SR 10,320,236,000



There is no doubt that the patients can realize that health is like a crown to the healthy persons. Because of higher population density the health projects take the priority. To serve the multiple regions within the district advanced health services are urgently needed. This will provide a good alternate for traveling abroad to take the medical treatment.

It is promised that the 1430/1431 Budget for the health sector will be SR 652 million.

The total budget of the health sector during the past years is more than two thousand million SR which is the biggest of all budgets allocated for MOH right from its inception.

Following serve the examples:

DARB HOSPITAL:                 50 beds

BEESH HOSPIATL:               100 beds

RAITH HOSPITAL:                50 beds

AIDANI HOSPITAL:              50 beds

KHOBA HOSPITAL:              50 beds


These hospitals will lead to maintain specific and remarkable health services for people of this area.

Others examples are as follows:


The new MEDICAL CITY which is inaugurated by the Custodian of the Two Holy Shrines includes a Tropical Hospital having 200 beds.

SPECIAL MEDICAL HOSPITAL having 500 beds with a budget of SR 350 million.


200 BEDS

·       We have signed the contract of one of the important projects lately on the coast road “Jeddah- Jazan” stretching to 230 km length and costing 600 million SR.

·       That road is beside some agriculture and side way roads.

·       The new budget for the transportation ministry for this year 1430- 1431 H is 887,770 SR.

·       Sea transportation:

·       It serves a very important region in the field of development of Farasan Island which depends on the sea transportation. According to  the directions of the Custodian of the two Holy Shrines for building two modern traveler ships. The ministry of finance started to finance these ships and to rent another ships that costs 68 million SR for the next two years. It is expected to be extended for another year that costs 41 million SR. It is assumed to be from Jazan to Farasan and vice versa twice a day. The ships will be ready to operate at the end of this year. The ships have been.

·       The passenger stations in Jazan and Farasan will be improved.


·       In agriculture field as an example, the Ministry of Agriculture  has      delivered 22 pieces of investment to invest for shrimp agriculture. In his visit to the area the Custodian of the two Holy Shrines has opened the first stage of the Arabian Shrimp Agriculture by a capital of thousand million SR, to produce 35 thousand ton of shrimps. That is beside some other projects for investment which will serve 3000 job opportunity to Saudis, one third of which being reserved for females.

·       Other projects are established in Soarma to produce 600 job opportunities for the district people.

·       Also the island coast project for farming of shrimps will produce 793 job opportunities, 113 of them being reserved for females.

·       The Ministry of Agriculture has been working on some projects worth 25 million SR for fishermen such as building of marina which will serve 2200 fishermen and other fishing workers, besides 500 ordinary fishing boats and 10 industrial ships.  


·       It is worth mentioning Jazan as food basket of the kingdom as it has been trading in agriculture for ages. The last year Jazan produced a huge number of tropical fruits. The planted trees number more than 170,000, 80,000 fruit bearing trees produce 401,000 tons of mango, fig, guava, banana and papaya.

·       89,797 tons of maize is produced.

·       10,671 tons of vegetables were produced.

·       2,923 spots containing about 335,000 cells for production of honey are established.

·       10,000 tons of fish and shrimp were produced last year only.

·       A museum for fossils has been established in Jazan at the budget of 46 million SR.

·       In Hafa a building of marine port has been constructed at the cost of 69 million SR.

·       190 million SR have been allocated for building of dry field and a factory for manufacture of food for livestock.


A university is said to be a factory for production of literate persons. It is the original field of development that improves qualifications and specializations of persons needed to serve the country. Therefore the Custodian of two Holy Shrines has generously sanctioned the building of University City, divided into two parts, one for the male and another for the female, spreading on the area of 4 million square Km.    

·       The total of new projects that are under construction cost 2,926,036,000 SR.

·        As we know presently the university has 12 faculties, but the new establishment will have 5 more new faculties, that are: Dental, Pharmacy, Health Science, for both males and females, and Business Administration with a huge capital of 720,720,000 SR.

·       Approximately 550 million SR would be spent on building the first phase of housing complex for the faculty members.

·       289 million SR are allocated for completion of the four projects.

·       6 new projects 643 million SR are allocated for Faculties of Business Administration, Dental and Pharmacy.

·       Some extra facilities are added to the faculties in Jazan with a cost of 335,000,000 SR.


             In order to complete the network of serving citizen and to produce the highest degree of performance, the country intends to complete the following projects:

·       New King Abd Allah International Airport

·       Farasan Airport which would turn to be a great image for the island and would serve its tourists, businessmen and natives.

·       Water purification station in Jazan.

·       Railways projects from Jeddah to Jazan.

·       The Industrial City project spreading on one million square meter area.

·       Jazan Industrial City which would include a number of huge special factories is expected to improve the economic and social developmental condition. Some of these factories are as follows:

i)                 Aluminium Fabrication Factory.

ii)             Car Manufacturing Company.

iii)          Ships Manufacturing Company.


·       A number of other industries would also be established which would create job opportunities for 500,000 males and females.

·       Besides that one thousand select students would travel to Malaysia to pursue their higher education.

·       Industrial Marine Port in Jazan.

                Highlights of the 20th Plan for Jazan


                Plan Area: Jazan

·       Jazan is one of the  highly populated cities in the kingdom

1,300,000 persons are living in 3800 cities and villages.

·       The population rate is 4.8% per year which is one of the highest rates in the kingdom.

·       There is a geographic variation in nature in Jazan where you find green area, high mountains, wide coasts and great number of islands interspersed in the Red Sea and near to the African Horn.

·       Development of the area is late behind the schedule and the living condition of population is hard and less than the needed standards. The reason for this is due to:

i)                 The great length of the coast.

ii)             The hard mountain limits.

iii)          Decrease in the financial support.

iv)           Shortage of qualified technical and administrative hands.

v)              Poor construction projects.

vi)           Zero use of first economic mutation.

·       The main profession of people living in Jazan is agriculture, fishing, raising sheep and cattle. These traditional activities are chiefly dependent on rains and floods. Because of the limited quantity of water most of the native people have migrated to the greener pastures.


·       To highlight what is needed now and in future for Jazan.

·       To estimate the total cost which has to be incurred on having infrastructures for realizing services and public projects.


·       Preparation Phase

·       Revision Phase

·       Execution Phase


A ministerial committee headed by the Honorable Royal of the Ministry of Interior has been constituted. This committee consists of  a reasonable number of ministers encompassing different services.

Its main duty is to prepare a charter for urgent and future developmental needs.

          This committee has given a number of suggestions which are

          Summarized in one decision concerning the present situation

          in Jazan and its needs in all spheres, during the next coming ten years.

In 1426 H, the tenth  plan was prepared for some services in Jazan, this plan will, inshaAllah,  be submitted to the Honorable Royal, the Minister of Interior for a discussion in a meeting of the Ministerial committee whereupon it will be submitted to the Custodian of the two Holy Shrines.


The committee in its 6th meeting studied the comprehensive report concerning the current situation and its needs for the next decade  in the different fields.

Based on the ministerial decision 153 released on 28/5/1924 H, a committee has been constituted  which consists of the Honorable Royal Prince of Jazan and both of the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Economy and Planning.


·       To revise the budget for the 10th plan according to the requirements of each minister concerned.

·       To determine allocation of the necessary budget for environmental recovery.

·       To determine allocation of the budget for urban cities.

·       To determine  expenditure to be incurred on execution of the housing projects for the university staff.

·       To make available 3 passenger ships between Jazan and Farasan Island.

·       A perusal for what was determined concerning other budgets before the ministerial council 153, on 28/5/1425 H.

            So more than 3 years later on the plan prepared on 1426 H, a number of variables existed such as increase in price of building materials, economic and social changes. These result in appearance of additional developmental needs.

Therefore, the developmental plan should be revised again to accommodate these changes; accordingly a committee for planning and follow up emerges from the ministerial council that would be responsible for coordination with the governmental institutions to put forth the action plan of 1426 H.

As a result of these a revised plan was developed including all the new elements that were needed before concerning the social and economic developments for the sake of Jazan district. The following are the main elements of this future plans:

1)  Increasing the financial costs of projects included in the tenth plan by 52%, noting that the inflation rate is exceeding this ratio.

2)  Presence of some vital mega projects viz. The Economic City, Industrial City, King Abdullah City, Jazan Port and Oil Filtration system. These projects need enough budgets to fulfill the urgent needs for both public and private sectors.

3)  Considering the unique location of Jazan district and the expected increase in the birth rate, the demographic dimension and associated development should be included in the plan.

4)  The unique location of Jazan and its short distance from the African Horn generally add slight burden over the available services.

5)  The need to establish an integrated infrastructure to stimulate the economy and tourism investments in Jazan.

6)  The budget necessary for environmental repair and hygiene was added to the total costs of the tenth plan.

Reasons behind inclusion of these plans are:


1)  Environmental Repair:

The status of environment has worsened due to lack of governmental facilities. Definitely health of people and their possessions in this region were much affected.

2)  Urban Centers:

The main aim of these centers is to offer utility services and to remove the randomly distributed houses inside Jazan.

3)  Cleanliness:

The current cleaning system for cities and villages is not fit enough because of the geographic location of this district and the low budget allocated for carrying out this task.
  The solution to this problem is to make partition for this budget:
a budget for each sub-village and sub-city in a separate manner.


The revised tenth plan was handed over to the Ministerial Committee and then to the Custodian of the two Holy Shrines.

It will be done the next time, inshaAllah. It is noticed that some of the elements included in the tenth plan are being implemented by the annual governmental budget.